Submit your optimization data

Are you looking for a second opinion on your optimization results?

Run through the wizard and complete the following steps:

  • Step 1: enter basic contact information
  • Step 2: upload sample files
  • Step 3: enter characteristics nesting machine (if applicable)
  • Step 4: enter characteristics angular saw (if applicable)
  • Step 5: enter characteristics regular beam saw (if applicable)
  • Step 6: fill in some extra details and submit


Please enter some basic contact information.

Name of your ARDIS expert or sales contact


Please upload a sample parts file and/or sample basic materials file (if available).

Click the links below in order to download a template:

Please select Yes or No
Select your parts list (2 MB max.)
Please select Yes or No
Upload your basic materials list (2 MB max.)


If you have a nesting machine, please enter some basic characteristics we need for the optimization. If not, just scroll down and click 'Next'.

Indicate whether or not you have a nesting machine
Enter the tool diameter of your mill
Enter the total space between parts (in mm)
Enter the scrap distance in mm (see image)


If you have an angular saw, please enter some basic characteristics we need for the optimization. If not, just scroll down and click 'Next'.

Indicate whether or not you have an angular saw
Enter saw blade thickness of first saw (in mm)
Enter max. cutting length of first machine (in mm)
Enter depth of first machine (in mm)
Enter saw blade thickness of second saw (in mm)
Enter max. cutting length of your machine (in mm)
Enter depth of second machine (in mm)


If you have a regular saw, please enter some basic characteristics we need for the optimization. If not, please scroll down and click 'Next'.

Indicate whether or not you have a regular saw
Enter the maximum cutting length of your saw (in mm)
Enter the depth of your machine (in mm)
Enter the thickness of your saw blade


Enter some final details we need for the optimization.

General details

Please select Yes or No
Enter the number of trolleys behind the saw
Enter the minimum length an offcut must have (in mm)
Enter the minimum width an offcut must have (in mm)
Enter any specific questions you have about your optimization

Details for saw

Please select Yes or No
Indicate the first cutting direction in the layout
Indicate the max. depth of the layout. Leave empty if unlimited.
Max. height of sheet stack to be cut
Enter any other (machine) limitations we need to be aware of

Head cut

If your saw allows a head cut, please fill in some basic characteristics we need for the optimization. If not, please leave empty and click 'Submit'.

Indicate whether or not your machine allows a head cut
Indicate the allowed orientation of the head cut
Enter the maximum dimensions of the main (in mm)
Enter the maximum dimensions of the head (in mm)